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Bryan Maldonado has been writing since he was 13.  He has completed a collection of poetry, numerous essays, and several short stories.  Rumors of a screenplay, stage-play and several one-act plays also abound.   Of course, no list would be complete without his upcoming novel: The Secret Keeper

Since graduating from USC's Master of Professional Writing program, Bryan has held various presitgious positions in the field of education, among them:  Latin Applications teacher at Renaissance Arts Academy in Eagle Rock; Foreign Language department chair and creative writing professor at STAR Prep Academy in Culver City for over four years.   He has also (somehow) found time to hone his linguistic skills, and continue to develop his writing craft-- make sure to check the "UPCOMING" and "WORKS (IN-PROGRESS)" pages for details. 


He is an accomplished martial artist, dog-and-cat lover, and pizza-and-french-fry connoiseur. 

bryan maldonado
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